Sunday, November 14, 2010

I don't feel like posting...

...but my husband reminded me that I haven't updated this thing in a long time. Yeah, I realize that. I started a post a few weeks ago, but I just never got around to publishing it and it would be weird for me to post it now. So I won't.

I haven't uploaded any new pictures on my computer and I don't really feel like it right now. So I won't. This post will be short and sweet. Well, unless I start typing and I can't seem to stop. Which happens to me on occasion. So who knows. This may actually end up being one of those really long random posts without any pictures.

I stopped doing pre-school with Lizzie. It didn't last much longer than the letter "C". Why did I give up so soon? Because I got sick of making my child do something that she really didn't want to do. She seemed to enjoy it at the beginning, but then it started to seem like a chore to her and she just had no interest in it. At first I was frustrated. But now I'm fine with it. She's only three, anyway. What was I thinking?

It seems like I always set goals for myself and then give up on them. It really does happen a lot. My husband thinks that I'll feel better about myself and experience more success if I set only a few goals rather than a zillion. That makes sense, but how can I choose which ones to focus on? I really have lists of things that I want to work on and improve. And I get so overwhelmed that I just give up altogether and then end up not moving forward at all! It's a little frustrating! Yes, a change definitely needs to occur.

I really want to run a local 5K in December. I haven't ran a race in years, but I really want to run this one. I made myself a training schedule (yes, another goal) and I began to fail before I even began. Things just happened. The kids got sick. I got sick. It's too hot, too windy, or too cold. My knees started to hurt. And now? My lower back is killing me. I'm not sure what I did to it. It most likely has something to do with the fact that I despise stretching. I can't stand to stretch! It's so boring! I turn every exercise video off as soon as the hard part is over. I hate stretching! Yes, I know it's a very bad habit I have. But I have it nonetheless. Anyway, on Thursday my back hurt to the point that it hurt to sit down and I couldn't pick up Bryce. I went to the chiropractor on Friday morning and I thought that I would be cured after that...but I wasn't. He placed a heat pad on my lower back and snapped a couple of joints, but I hardly felt a change! Granted, it feels a million times better now than it did on Thursday, but still. I wasn't able to exercise on Friday or Saturday. And I most likely won't be able to for a couple of more days, or longer. I'm going back to the chiropractor tomorrow. I hope that he fixes me this time! :) But I'm a little concerned that I may not be able to run the 5K in a couple of weeks. Oh well.

A small part of me (a very, very, very small part) actually doesn't mind if my back is injured for a while. That way I don't have to worry about exercising! Life would be a lot easier if I didn't have to worry about squeezing exercise in. But then again, if my back was injured, I wouldn't be able to hold my little Brycie-Boy comfortably. And that would break my heart!

Speaking of Bryce, he can walk now! Not a lot yet, but he can do it! I love watching the little chunk-man wobble across our house. I could just eat him up!

I'm sad that my family isn't coming for Thanksgiving anymore. My parents, my sister, and my brother and his wife were all planning on coming for Thanksgiving. We were going to have a huge dinner with Jon's parents, my visiting family, Tara's family (of course), Darlene and Justin, and Justin's parents. It was going to be awesome! We reserved the institute for the dinner. The institute is large enough and it also has pool tables and ping-pong tables, a major plus! :) After Thanksgiving, my family and I were going to have a mini Christmas together since we were probably not going to be able to see each other for Christmas. It was going to be a lot of fun. But to make a long story short, my Mom is really sick and it wouldn't be wise for her to travel. She has had a 2 major surgeries over the last couple of months and she may need another one this week. She needs to be near her doctors now. We offered to visit them for Thanksgiving, but they would rather have us visit when my Mom is feeling better so that she can actually enjoy the visit (since we don't get to see them that often). So, we'll be visiting them eventually. Just not sure when. And my family will come and visit us eventually. Just not sure when.

We'll still have an awesome Thanksgiving Dinner. I just wish that my family could be here for it.

Oh yeah! At the end of October, my mother-in-law and I were able to go to Time Out For Women in LasVegas. It was so awesome!!! Jon watched the kids while I got to listen to really awesome inspirational talks and music. Some of the speakers included Jon Bytheway, Brad Wilcox, Kris Belcher, Ardeth Kapp, and others. Mercy River and Dallyn Bayles performed probably at least 10 songs each and it was really awesome listening to their music! I hadn't heard of either of those musicians before, but I really enjoyed them!

We completely skipped Halloween this year. I feel horrible about it. It wasn't our fault though. Our family got the stomach flu the Thursday before Halloween. It was bad. I don't remember ever being so sick in my life! Jon had to go to urgent care and get intravenous fluid. I took Bryce to the doctor because I couldn't get him to keep anything down. The doctor gave him some Zophran and it did wonders! I was on the way to take Lizzie to urgent care when she threw up all over herself, not to mention the entire car. After returning home, cleaning everything up, and finally making it to urgent care, the secretary told us to go home because we would be waiting for over 4 hours just to see the triage nurse. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. I told Jon that in our next life, we are not going to buy a brand new house until the kids know how to puke in bowls. Our carpet looked pretty decent in September. Now? After being puked on so many times it aged at least 237 years.

So Halloween came and went. I put away our Halloween decorations on November 1st and Lizzie was very confused. She said, "But Mommy, I didn't get to go trick-or-treating!". I know, Lizzie. I know. But it's a good thing, really. Who needs all of that candy anyway? :)

Jon and I ordered a Christmas Piano Duet book. It has been really fun learning a few duets together. We are going to play a couple for the local Creche at the beginning of December. We also were invited to play a duet in Sacrament Meeting in early December. I sure hope that I don't completely mess it up. Practicing is one thing, but performing in front of people other than yourself? That's a whole other ball game. know what I mean. :)

Well, I guess that my fingers got away with me again. :) This ended up being a lot longer than I anticipated. I guess that I had a few things to talk about after all!


Naomi and Family said...

Oh Andrea, I am so glad you posted. It really is good to get things out there especially things that frustrate us. Derek and I suffer greatly with the goal setting yays and woes. I never really set goals until I married Derek and then it was like BAM! It is really hard when your trying so so hard and then you always feel like a failure anyway. I do take comfort though in the fact that the Lord knows my heart and that is enough for me for now. You are one super duper person and perhaps these physical set-backs that you have had to deal with is the Lord's way of saying that He loves you and does not want you to run faster than you are able (sorry, didn't mean to play on the words of running) but anyway, I don't think the Lord could be more pleased with you as His daughter! You are a fantastic wife and mother and friend. Don't be discouraged, all things will fall into place when it is right, of course I know it's easier written than done but I do know this is a true principle and I KNOW without a doubt that Heavenly Father loves you so so much!

Amy and Micheal said...

Bless your heart, Andrea!! I'm so sorry that you guys were all so sick and that your back is hurting. As for goals, I've pretty much stopped setting any up for myself. I just have a small list that I try to work on here and there. I'm not going anywhere new years resolutions. I'm boycotting them this year. All I do is set myself up for failure. Granted, my goals are to, you know, get out of bed and feed my body... take care of my boys. I'm spent after that. It takes everything I have to just function on a basic level, let alone do anything beyond that. You are awesome! I guess my moral is: don't be so hard on yourself. That is one that I am still working on (and will be forever and ever). We just do the best we can. And some days, for me, that means putting the toilet seat down after the rumpkins. Sad, yes. I have come to realize my limitations as of late and I know that at the end of the day I can say to the Lord "I did my best today, it didn't feel like much, but I did do my best." and I know He understands and I know He loves you so much! You are amazing and so caring! I love you tonz Andrea! Call me if you ever want to talk, laugh, cry, vent.... I do those everyday! Love you!

The Everts said...

Oh man- I feel for ya. You're a great mom and don't worry, we all feel like failures for certain things but you inspire me to be better and do crafts and things with my kids but it's nice to know you have limits to and it's not just me. Feel better w/ your back!

Amy and Micheal said...

And PS - I totally HATE stretching too! Blah!