Monday, May 24, 2010

Bargaining with God

If it were possible for a Mother to bargain with God, I would...

*Gladly be sick every single day of the year (I'm talking strep throat, the stomach flu, migraines, etc.) if it meant that my children would never have to suffer with an illness of any kind.

*Never run another day in my life if it meant that my children would always have strong and healthy bodies. Bodies that would enable them the opportunity to fulfill whatever mission God has in store for them.

*Never eat another piece of chocolate in my life if it meant that my children will always have highly functional digestive systems.

*Gladly give up my many hobbies (piano, cooking, baking, reading, crafts, writing, sports, teaching, etc.) if it meant that my children would be well-rounded individuals, being able to experience and enjoy the wide variety of activities that exist in the world today.

*Be willing to experience the worst pregnancy imaginable (I'm talking puking my guts out for the entire 9 months, swelling up like a balloon from head to toe, getting my ribs snapped out of joint, etc.) if it meant that Lizzie would always be able to get pregnant easily (after she is married of course) and experience very painless and uneventful pregnancies and deliveries.

*Rapidly pluck out all of my eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair if it meant that Lizzie would always feel good about herself and truly believe that she is a beautiful daughter of God. Not just say it, but truly believe it.

*Amputate my left leg if it meant that Lizzie and Bryce would have no trouble finding their future husband/wife as soon as they have the desire to get married. I would give my other leg too if it meant that they would both be sealed to their spouses in one of the Holy Temples for time and all eternity.

*Read my scriptures from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. every single morning if it meant that my children would have a strong desire to choose the right and that they would also have a desire to gain their own testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel.

*Set my alarm clock to go off every 10 minutes each night if it meant that my children will always have an easy time going to sleep, that they will always sleep through the night, and that they will never experience nightmares.

*I would give up my piece of paper that claims that I earned a Bachelors of Science degree if it meant that my children would be intelligent. If it meant that they would always have an ongoing thirst for knowledge, spiritual and secular.

*Cut off my hands if it meant that my children would never have to experience the pain of getting injured in a car accident, or any other type of accident for that matter.

*Give up my comfortable bed and sleep on the hard tile floor every night if it meant that my children will always have a nice, warm, comfortable bed to sleep in.

*Go without breakfast for the rest of my life if it meant that my children will never have to suffer the pangs of hunger.

I could go on...but I think that I'll stop now.

It's a fact. It can't be denied. I adore my children! I would really do anything for them. But i know, deep down, that I can't save my children from everything. They are going to have to experience pain and sorrow, along with the joy. Although making bargains with God may not be altogether possible, they aren't really necessary. The Savior willingly gave up everything, even his own life, for each of Heavenly Father's children. Including my children. My children can be saved (if they continuously repent, keep the commandments, and endure to the end) because the Savior made the ultimate sacrifice. What an incredible blessing.

So I suppose that I can keep my limbs attached for now.


Naomi and Family said...

You really inspire me! And yes the pain of just thinking about my kids having pain hurts me so deeply, but I am so thankful the Saviour loves our children even more than we do, and I know that through our faith in him our children will know him too. Thank you for the post! It was beautiful.

Becka and Ty said...

YOu are an amazing Woman I already knew that but now i remember;) Thanks for your inspirational advice